We had been invited as Cloud Computing pioneers to bring our contribution to the World CIO Forum held in Xi’an in China from 10th to 12th of November.

The coincidence with APEC (Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation) in Beijin with the participation of all the main leaders of this part of the world and subsequent strong security measures and traffic limitations, induced the organizers IFIP and Chinese Institute of Electronics to bring the conference to an internal city (the Chinese west). In Xi’an high technology companies are already established, and the new Xixian area in construction want to attract Cloud Computing and Big Data companies. To give an idea of the determination of public authorities, these companies will get a 40% discount on electricity.

The CEO Wladimiro Bedin speech on “Cloud native SaaS: a new paradigm for CIOs” was on the radically innovative aspects of Cloud Computing and the impacts on CIO work.

The CIO profession is being ruled by Chinese authorities with a detailed coding on training and areas of responsibility, including rewards and punishment.

It has been impressing to see that even at more than a thousand kilometres from the notoriously developed coastal areas, main cities has already reached western standards and that the tumultuous growth is still enduring.

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